Additional Features

Noir FV supports formal verification for structures, tuples, and generic functions, enabling proofs for more complex data types and abstractions. These features are seamless—no additional syntax, complex attributes, or overhead is required.

Verifying Structs

Example: Verifying a Student’s Scholarship Eligibility

This program returns true if the student is qualified for a scholarship.

global MIN_GRADE: u8 = 8;
global MAX_GRADE: u8 = 10;

struct Student {
    id: Field,
    grade: u8,

// Returns true if the student qualifies for the scholarship 
#[requires(student.grade <= MAX_GRADE)] // Max possible grade
#[ensures(student.grade >= MIN_GRADE ==> result == true)]
#[ensures(student.grade < MIN_GRADE ==> result == false)]
fn main(student: Student) -> pub bool{
    student.grade >= MIN_GRADE

Verifying Traits and Generic Functions

Example: Verifying a Banking System

This example defines a BankAccount trait and verifies that different account types correctly implement it. We are receiving as arguments two types of accounts. They have in common a value amount and we want to sum them.

trait BankAccount {
  fn get_amount(self) -> u64;

struct NamedAccount {
  name: str<10>,
  amount: u32,

impl BankAccount for NamedAccount {
  #[ensures(result == self.amount as u64)]
  fn get_amount(self) -> u64 {
    self.amount as u64

struct AnonymousAccount {
  encrypted_id: Field,
  amount: u32,

impl BankAccount for AnonymousAccount {
  #[ensures(result == self.amount as u64)]
  fn get_amount(self) -> u64 {
    self.amount as u64

#[ensures(result == (first_account.amount as u64 + second_account.amount as u64) )]
fn main(first_account: NamedAccount, second_account: AnonymousAccount) -> pub u64 {
  sum_accounts(first_account, second_account)

#[ensures(result == first.get_amount() + second.get_amount())]
fn sum_accounts<T, U>(first: T, second: U) -> pub u64 
where T: BankAccount,
      U: BankAccount,
  first.get_amount() + second.get_amount()