Pre- and postconditions

Preconditions ("requires" annotations)

Let’s start with a simple example. Suppose we want to verify a function main that multiplies a number by 4:

fn main(x1: i8) -> pub i8 {
    let x2 = x1 + x1;
    x2 + x2 

If we run nargo fv to verify the code we will get the following output:

error: possible arithmetic underflow/overflow
  ┌─ src/
2 │     let x2 = x1 + x1;
  │              --------

Error: Verification failed!

Noir FV cannot prove that the result of x1 + x1 fits in an i8 value, i.e. is in the range -128127. For example, if x1 were 100, then x1 + x1 would be 200, which exceeds 127. We need to make sure that the argument x1 stays within a safe range.

We can do this by adding preconditions (also known as requires annotations) to main specifying which values for x1 are allowed. Preconditions are written using Noir's attributes syntax and they have a boolean body expression which can utilize the function's arguments:

#[requires(-64 <= x1 & x1 < 64)]
fn main(x1: i8) -> pub i8 {
    let x2 = x1 + x1;
    x2 + x2 

The precondition above says that x1 must be at least -64 and less than 64, so that x1 + x1 will fit in the range -128127. This fixes the error about x1 + x1, but we still get an error about x2 + x2:

error: possible arithmetic underflow/overflow
  ┌─ src/
4 │ ╭     x2 + x2
5 │ │ }
  │ ╰'

Error: Verification failed!

If we want both x1 + x1 and x2 + x2 to succeed, we need a stricter bound on x1:

#[requires(-32 <= x1 & x1 < 32)]
fn main(x1: i8) -> pub i8 {
    let x2 = x1 + x1;
    x2 + x2 

Now the code verifies successfully!

Checking Preconditions at Call Sites

Let's rename the function main to quadruple. Now suppose we try to call quadruple with a value that does not satisfy quadruple's precondition.

fn main() {
    let n = quadruple(40);

For this call Noir FV reports an error, since 40 is not less than 32:

error: precondition not satisfied
  ┌─ src/
1 │ #[requires(-32 <= x1 & x1 < 32)]
  │            -------------------- failed precondition

Error: Verification failed!

If we pass 25 instead of 40, verification succeeds:

fn main() {
    let n = quadruple(25);

Postconditions ("ensures" annotations)

Postconditions allow us to specify properties about the return value of a function. Let’s revisit the quadruple function and verify that its return value is indeed four times the input argument. Let's try putting an assertion in main to check that quadruple(10) returns 40:

fn main() {
    let n = quadruple(10);
    assert(n == 40);

Although quadruple(10) does return 40, Noir FV nevertheless reports an error:

error: assertion failed
   ┌─ src/
10 │     assert(n == 40);
   │            -------- assertion failed

Error: Verification failed!

The error occurs because, even though quadruple multiplies its argument by 4, quadruple doesn’t publicize this fact to the other functions in the program. To do this, we can add postconditions (ensures annotations) to quadruple specifying some properties of quadruple’s return value. In Noir FV, the return value is referred with the variable name result:

#[requires(-32 <= x1 & x1 < 32)]
#[ensures(result == 4 * x1)]
fn quadruple(x1: i8) -> pub i8 {
    let x2 = x1 + x1;
    x2 + x2 

With this postcondition, Noir FV can now prove that quadruple behaves as intended. When main calls quadruple, the SMT solver uses the postcondition to verify the assertion n == 40.

Modular Verification

Preconditions and postconditions enable modular verification, a key feature of Noir FV. This approach establishes a clear contract between functions:

  1. When main calls quadruple, Noir FV checks that the arguments satisfy quadruple’s preconditions.
  2. When verifying quadruple’s body, Noir FV assumes the preconditions hold and ensures the postconditions are satisfied.
  3. When verifying main, Noir FV relies on quadruple’s postconditions without needing to inspect its implementation.

This modularity breaks verification into smaller, manageable pieces, making it more efficient than verifying the entire program at once. However, writing precise preconditions and postconditions requires effort. For large programs, you’ll likely spend significant time crafting these specifications to ensure correctness.

Assert and SMT Solvers

During verification with nargo fv, the assert keyword is used to make local requests to the SMT solver (Z3) to prove a specific fact. Importantly, Noir's assert behaves differently depending on whether you’re running nargo fv (verification) or nargo execute (execution).