
Logical implication

To improve readability, Noir FV supports the implication operator ==>. The expression a ==> b (reads as “a implies b”) is logically equivalent to !a | b.

For example, the expression:

forall|i, j| (0 <= i) & (i <= j) & (j < len) ==> f(i, j)

means that for every pair i and j such that 0 <= i <= j < len, f(i, j) must hold.

Note that ==> has lower precedence than other Boolean operators. For instance, a ==> b & c is interpreted as a ==> (b & c).


Suppose we need to specify that all the elements of an array are powers of 2. If the array is small, we could write a specification for every element separately:

fn is_power_of_2(x: i32) -> bool {
  if x <= 0 { 
    } else {
      (x & (x - 1)) == 0

fn main(arr: [i32; 3]) -> pub i32 {

However, this approach doesn't scale well for larger arrays.

Fortunately, Noir FV and SMT solvers support the universal(forall) and existential(exists) quantifiers, which we can think of as infinite conjunctions or disjunctions:

forall(|i| f(i)) = ... f(-2) & f(-1) & f(0) & f(1) & f(2) & ...
exists(|i| f(i)) = ... f(-2) | f(-1) | f(0) | f(1) | f(2) | ...

By default the bound variables (i in forall|i|) are of type int, representing all mathematical integers, both positive and negative. The SMT solver contains direct support for reasoning about int values.

With quantifiers, it's much more convenient to write a specification about all elements of an array:

     (0 <= i) & (i < 3) ==> is_power_of_2(arr[i])
fn main(arr: [i32; 3]) -> pub i32 {


exists expressions are the dual of forall. While forall(|i| f(i)) means that f(i) is true for all i, exists(|i| f(i)) asserts that f(i) holds for at least one i. To prove exists(|i| f(i)), an SMT solver has to find one value for i such that f(i) is true. This value is called a witness for exists(|i| f(i)).

The following example demonstrates how exists successfully finds a witness

#[requires(is_power_of_2(arr[0]))] // Potential witness
#[requires(is_power_of_2(arr[2]))] // Potential witness
#[ensures(exists(|i| (0 <= i) & (i < 3) ==> is_power_of_2(result[i])))] // i is going to be either 0 or 2
fn main(arr: [i32; 3]) -> pub [i32; 3] {

This verification succeeds because at least one element (arr[0] or arr[2]) is a power of 2, allowing exists to identify a witness.